Polk County Builders Association

2019 Spring Parade of Homes Winners

Home of the Year Winners


Congratulations to all of our Builders in the 2019 Spring Parade of Homes
The 2019 Spring Parade of Homes, hosted by the Polk County Builders Association (PCBA), started off
with the Kick-Off Party held at this spring’s showcase home builder, Easy Homes 123 at 934 O’Doniel
Drive in Lakeland. With over 100 attendees, the Kick-Off Party was a spectacular hit with delicious food
provided by Stephanie Catlett with MidFlorida Credit Union.
This Spring’s Parade of Homes features twenty-six new homes, ranging in price from $190,000 to over
$600,000 with two community entries and two pool entries. Judges awarded eight pricing categories of
homes in Polk County with five subcategories for each pricing category: best exterior; best floor plan;
best kitchen; best master bath and best overall quality.
A special thank you goes out to our Sponsors, MidFlorida Credit Union, Aveco Electric and SprayPro.
Thank you to our judges, drivers and committee members, without the volunteers of the Polk County
Builders Association, these events would not be possible.
Out of eight pricing categories, there were four builder’s homes that swept all five subcategories and
received the “Home of the Year” award: KB Homes, the 1541 model in Cayden Reserve; Richmond
American Homes, the Onyx model in Watercrest; Duane McQuillen, the Tide model in Hallam Preserve;
and Jasper Custom Homes, the Mikaya model in Lakeland. Other “Home of the Year” recipients were:
Hulbert Homes, the Oakmont in Abbey Oaks; Ernie White Construction, the Miriam in Lake James; Hunt
Construction of Central Florida, the Carriage House in Coachman Square; and Southern Homes, the
Lexington in The Enclave at Harden.
Other subcategory winners included: Best Kitchen – Easy Homes 123, the Heather; Best Exterior – Danny
Sadler, Inc. the Bentley 11am and MI Homes, the Collina Villa; Best Overall Quality - MI Homes, the
Collina Villa; Best Floor Plan – Drummond Co, the Donatello. There were several ties; Best Mater Bath
($325K - $400K category) was a tie between Maronda Homes, the Harmony and Southern Homes, the
Lexington. Best Master Bath ($275K - $325K category) was a tie with Park Square Homes, the Walton II
and Hunt Construction, the Carriage House. Best Mater Bath ($250K - $275K category) was a tie
between R. Nunez Homes, the Onyx and Ernie White Construction, the Miriam. Best Overall Quality
($250K - $275K category) was a tie between Easy Homes 123, the Heather and Ernie White
Construction, the Miriam. Best Mater Bath ($450K - $590K category) was a tie between Hulbert Home,
the Oakmont and Drummond Co, the Donatello.
There is only one weekend left of the spring Parade of Homes, so if you haven’t been out to see any of
the twenty-six homes, there is still time to get out there. A comprehensive Guidebook including
descriptive information, maps and photos is available in print at the Polk County Builders Association
located at 2232 Heritage Drive in Lakeland or on our website at www.pcba.com/spring-2019-parade-ofhomes. You can also download the Parade Craze app on your smart phone or tablet, the official free
map app for the Polk County Parade of Homes.